There are more than 5,000 hadiths in our practice, which includes the hadiths of our Prophet (saas), which can serve as examples and guides for all of us. Kutub-i Sitte (Six Books, the six most reliable books on hadiths) are based on the hadiths. There are hadiths in almost every subject that is mentioned in the Kutub-ΓΌ Sitte and mentioned by the Prophet.Our application is completely free and ad-free. No internet connection required, no special permissions required.By reading the hadiths, we can better recognize our Prophet (saas) and try to learn our religion better and more accurately. Allah (cc), our Prophet, his companions, blessed hadiths to reach the present day, I hope everyone who consented to get.Also, with the search section within the application, you can search on topics you wonder. (When searching, the text in the hadith is based on the text. The search does not make the logic of the index. The word you are looking for can be listed if it contains the same text in the hadith. Therefore, it is useful to consider different spellings of the words when searching.)The application of the Muhaddis Org website that we take as the basis of preparing our application, those who compile the hadith, the authors of books, muhaddis, ravis, and all those who contributed to the study of the content of the relevant web page and God benefit from all those studies.